Linkedin Company Pages and Invitations

Last week I spent an afternoon following up on previously sent invitations, to like my HD8 Network company page. However afterwards it got me thinking, do people know about Linkedin Company Pages and where to find invitations?
I have used Linkedin as a marketing and connection management tool for nearly 14 years. Secretly it’s my favourite social media channel, even though I am a self-confessed Facebook and now TikTok addict. There are perhaps many tools that are seemingly obvious to me, but unheard of by many others. So, I thought I would take my time to share this info.
Linkedin Company Page
In my post on Friday afternoon, on my personal profile on Linkedin, I linked my Company Page for the HD8 Network by using the @ symbol, typing “HD8 Network” and selecting the Company Page.
See video
A Company Linkedin Page is like a personal profile, however, it is about a business, as opposed to an individual. You can post updates and information, as well as connect colleagues.
I recently made the decision to limit posts directly on my personal profile, about the HD8 Network and instead only post through the Linkedin Company page. However, I will occasionally share those posts, on to my Linkedin personal profile.
Invitations and your Network
If you would like to see if you have received an invitation in the past, you click on the top main navigation bar, selecting “My Network”. This will show you options to either Catch up or Grow your network
Under Catch up you can engage with your connections on Linkedin, as Linkedin prompts you when someone you are connected to is celebrating a birthday or an anniversary.
Under Grow, Linkedin gives you several options to grow your connections. This is where you will find your Invitations. You can click on the “See all” on the right side of the screen to show all the invitations.
You might get invitations to follow a Page – as we had invited people to like HD8 Network, or to an Event, or as most commonly done on Linkedin, to connect to an individual.
Linkedin is a great tool to stay connected with people you meet through business. It is a great prospecting tool and should be a key part of your marketing communications strategy. How you use it will depend on a variety of factors, including your goals, available time and motivation.
However, I strongly recommend if you are running a business (brand, community organisation or whatever it might be) you should have a Company Page, as well as a personal profile (for employees/people in the business).
If you would like to talk more about Linkedin or your wider marketing communications or business strategy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.