Untidy URLs

If you have attended FSB West Yorkshire networking on Tuesday mornings, you will know that one of Merewyn’s bugbears is untidy URL’s. For example, when you have random numbers at the end of the link.
It is SUPER easy to update and change them, and it makes it so much easier to use on printed or other promotional materials and share with other people.
Here Merewyn guides you through why its an issue, what a URL is and how you can change them.
We all use social media and websites to promote our businesses and it is good practise to provide links to these, otherwise, what’s the point if no one can find you.
How many times have you been frustrated when searching for a company’s Facebook page and you’ve struggled to find it? You know there is a business, you are pretty sure you have the right name of the business. However, Facebook for some reason will show you results in America and not for a company round the corner or who you have recently been interacting with. It is so frustrating!
Imagine the problems when you have a business name which is quite similar to others … especially if they do the same as you!
It is made easier if you are familiar with an organisation’s branding and can be reassured by seeing their logo as the profile picture. But when you are searching on your phone, the image can be so small it’s not always easy to be certain.
Also, you need to think about when you are sharing your ‘Links’ on printed material i.e., business cards or leaflets – yes, they are still a thing. How untidy is it when there is a long list of random numbers as part of the link? And more importantly, how memorable is it or easy is it for the recipient to then copy type this into a search bar?
Are you helping your audience find and engage with you or are you putting people off?
While discussing the point with a client recently, Sayers Solutions said there is no point telling people to visit you in a particular town, if you don’t give them the exact address.
“Pop in and say hello to us, we are based in Huddersfield … but I am not going to tell you my street name or building number” and that’s almost what it’s like saying “Find us on Facebook or Linkedin” if you don’t give your Username or URL.
First, let’s understand what a URL is. This is what TechTarget.com define it as –
What is a URL?
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique identifier used to locate a resource on the Internet. It is also referred to as a web address. URLs consist of multiple parts — including a protocol and domain name — that tell a web browser how and where to retrieve a resource.
In other words, a URL is your address on the internet.
What is your address on the internet?
Sayers Solutions website address or URL is www.SayersSolutions.co.uk
On social media you can create and refer to ‘handles’ or usernames. For example, Sayers Solutions handle on Twitter is @SayersSolutions and our Username on Facebook is @SayersSolutions
You can also follow Merewyn on her personal account on Instagram with the username @Schoolrunmum_ however Sayers Solutions doesn’t have an Instagram account.
But when it comes to Linkedin the situation changes, as they don’t have usernames, but instead the practise is to share URL’s.
They also use prefixes according to whether they are a personal profile or an organisation page (or a Group – however this is now a lesser used function).
For example, Sayers Solutions Linkedin Company Page is – https://www.linkedin.com/company/sayers-solutions/
Whereas Merewyn’s Personal Profile is – https://www.linkedin.com/in/merewynsayers/
(Sidenote – I have known people to change the Personal Profile URL on Linkedin to match their business, however this can be quite short sighted. What if you rebrand, or get an offer to sell your business for a million pounds, or simply change your mind and decide to get a j.o.b? Whilst you are 1000% passionate and committed to this business entity right now, this might not always be the case – forever is a long time! We recommend that your personal profile URL has your personal name, not your business name).
Twitter and Instagram create your URL to match your Handle/Username, as this is unique to you and no one else can have the same. (Have you ever spent time trying to create a Twitter account and every permutation has already been taken or the name is too long – we recently had this for one client – it was a NIGHTMARE).
For example – https://twitter.com/SayersSolutions and https://www.instagram.com/schoolrunmum_/
As standard Facebook and Linkedin URL’s come with numbers after them to make the unique to you (particularly if you have a commonly used name). But it is simple and easy for you to edit your URL on both platforms.
This is how you change your Linkedin URL –
You might find this video useful – Tidy your Linkedin URL – https://sendspark.com/share/xfz0ocakqjrja4om
This is where you change your Facebook Username
Facebook seem to have recently changed where and how you change your Username – since we drafted this post even (which is always helpful when they keep changing things!)

It is also good practise to have all your usernames/handles and URLs the same across all the platforms, which is easier said than done. Especially if you aren’t a new company and have started to use another channel more recently or the naming convention is different.
A recommendation to consider is acquiring the digital asset and securing your URL and Usernames, even if at this time you have chosen not to use it, preventing others, particularly competitors, from doing so.
So how tidy are your social media URL’s?
Schedule some time to look at your URL’s and see if you can tidy them by removing unnecessary numbers and letters, making them bespoke and relevant to you and your business. Hopefully we have shown you here how easy it is to do.
However, if you are struggling, please feel free to book a Suggestion Session with Sayers Solutions, where we will happily guide you through tidying your URLs for free.
During this session you can then decide whether you want to book more time with Sayers Solutions to help you with the rest of your Marketing and Strategy. Although, you don’t have to wait, if you already know you want Sayers Solutions to help you focus on what you do best you can start booking sessions with us now.
Check out the different sessions you can book with Sayers Solutions –