Back 2 School sessions

Would you like to spend time on your business,
instead of in it?
Then perhaps you need to go back 2 school with Sayers Solutions.
Sayers Solutions is offering you the chance to get back to basics when the schools go back, to build and review your business plan and help you to end 2021 on a high note!
These sessions will show you how to create a plan with intelligence and measurement with the aim of moving your business forward.
Sayers Solutions is offering a webinar, full day course and weekly group sessions in September.
9th September @ 10am – Webinar
16th September 10am -4pm – Full day session
Starting 23rd September – Weekly group sessions
Sayers Solutions Back to School Marketing and Strategy webinar will use Sayers Solutions 4 Part Plan to help you look at your business from different directions and build the foundations of a plan; that will
- adapt and change as your business does,
- organise your marketing activity to meet organisational needs,
- point you in the direction of your desired destination (professionally as well as personally)
- and measure your successes and journey.
All of the sessions will be dynamic, and your input and questions welcomed – an active group will take more away from sessions. Exploring the situation of others can reveal a lot about your own.
These are not a marketing communication session. Tactics and campaign ideas may be discussed, but the focus for these sessions is on understanding your business and what you want to achieve.
Understanding why and who the business is, will naturally produce you content needed for your marketing communications, which is meaningful to your audience and helps you achieve goals.
This Back 2 School opportunity is available to small business owners or marketing managers who want focus for their business, developing a marketing plan.
You will get maximum value when you attend the full day of workshops or group sessions, which will provide a deeper knowledge and time to apply it to your business with the support of Sayers Solutions and your fellow attendees.
Book on now
Webinar –
Full day session –
Weekly group sessions –
Request a copy of the course overview here
Follow on sessions will also be available to assist you to action and amend the plan as you go.